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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Bad sleep 'dramatically' alters body

Wonder why you can easily catch a cold after a poor sleep? Wonder why you can't recall information from a lecture after 4 hours of sleep?

A run of poor sleep can have a potentially profound effect on the internal workings of the human body, say UK researchers.

Blood samples were analyzed comparing periods of plenty of sleep versus sleep deprivation. There was a dramatic change in the function of many different kinds of genes!!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

No Flowers on the Psych Ward

A beautiful narrative that focuses on the hope that nature will someday play a bigger therapeutic role in the healing of psych patients, and artist Anna Schuleit's exhibit commemorating the closure of the Massachusetts Mental Health Center.

"So many items cannot come onto a locked psychiatric ward. Administration looks at everything as a possible weapon of self or mass destruction. No curtains. No jewelry. No art. No glass. And, I learn, no flowers, no plants, no nature."